February Resident Events Calendar
Click here to view/download the calendar.
Read carefully and keep for your information!!!!
February 2019
Monday - Thursday, 8 AM - 6 PM
Closed Daily for Lunch - 12 - 1 PM
Notes: Maintenance After Hours Number for Emergencies Only - Call 843.639.1528
* Exterior Inspections will also be done for each complex *
February 1
Rent Due
February 4
Lange Court Housekeeping Inspections this week.
February 5
Last Day to put rent in Blue Box before 6 PM
February 6
Rent + Late Charge $50
February 11-13
Preventative Maintenance at Eastpark
February 14
Happy Valentine's Day
February 18
President's Day - Office Closed
February 19
Southpark Chousing Inspections this week.
February 21
Rent + $50 + $40
February 25 - 28
Preventative Maintenace at Southpark Complex
Do not pour grease and food down your drains or in your yards. No smoking in the apartments. The designated areas must be used. Keep your yards clean at all times.